Schedule release leads to social media mayhem
Students across all grades use “The Schedule Comparator” to see who is in their classes for the coming year.
August 26, 2014
As schedules were sent out on Aug. 25, social media sites erupted with students asking their friends if they shared any similar classes. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more all filled with students posting classes, asking about prospective teachers, and finding classmates with similar schedules. It seems that the back to school mayhem has fully underway with just a week left in the sumer before school starts up again on Sept. 2.
“People have been looking forward to getting their schedules for days,” senior Julia Casazza said. “Days before they came out everyone was asking when we would receive them. From the moment schedules were sent out, my newsfeed was abuzz with excitement about the new school year. It seems like everyone was eager to see whether they had classes with their friends.”
Luckily, unlike most other schools, Jefferson has access to something called “The Schedule Comparator” in which students can submit their class’s identification numbers for each period and see what students are in each of their classes. Many students find this tool helpful to see who they should expect in their classes on the first day of school.
“I find ‘The Schedule Comparator’ incredibly useful,” junior Alvin Shi said. “I used to worry about having to waste giant piles of paper on doing math while figuring out mildly important life choices, but with the schedule comparator, I just have to worry about the mildly important life choices now. It’s pretty nice like that.”
However, many students found errors in their schedules or simply changed their minds about certain classes over the summer. As a result, the link to change classes was incredibly slow to load as it seems like almost every student was attempting to change one class or another at exactly the same time. This also leads many students not to post their schedules to “The Schedule Comparator” as they are not yet sure if their classes will change before school starts and only want to post their final schedules.
“Students are always super eager to get their schedules and with creating schedules for 1800 unique students, there are bound to be students who are upset not being able to get electives they want, having incomplete schedules, or being signed up for classes they did not sign up for,” senior Anant Das said. “I don’t think there are any more issues than in previous years, it’s just that students who have issues are far more vocal about it, especially since the the Jefferson-social-media-population is larger than ever before.”