“Every Age” signals Jose Gonzalez’s return to indie-folk

Photo courtsey of www.jose-gonzalez.com
December 16, 2014
Seven years after the release of his last album, Swedish indie-folk guitarist and singer-songwriter Jose Gonzalez returns with “Every Age”. Seeping melancholy, Gonzalez’s new song ponders about isolation and subtle grace within life.
Gonzalez conveys that life isn’t given to use laid out, but that we must find ways to gracefully adapt with minor disturbances. Deeper into the song, Gonzalez connects grace to finding our place on Earth. His soft, relaxed voice drifts in and out of a background of a lightly-plucked guitar with drums at a constant beat. The corresponding music video features a breath-taking video of the launch of a camera into orbit.
“Every Age” will be the sixth song of a ten-track album, “Vestiges & Claws” due to come out in early Feb. 2015. This album will debut Gonzalez’s return to his solo career following time with his indie folk-rock band, Junip. While Junip implements Gonzalez’s lightly spoken lyrics, it also adds striking electronic beats and tunes, adding a modern lift to Gonzalez’s folk music. However, fans of Gonzalez solo albums will rejoice in the return to simpler melodies.
Similar to his two previous albums, “Veneer” and “In Our Nature”, “Vestiges & Claws” will combine simple guitar and drum tunes with simple, yet thought-provoking lyrics. While the new album features ten songs, none of them will be song covers, even though his most popular track is a cover of The Knife’s “Heartbeats”. Nevertheless, Gonzalez’s upcoming album will remind the music industry of his capability of creating original tuneful yet meaningful, songs.
With the new song came new tour dates for his album, which starts in Madrid, Spain a day after the release of “Vestiges & Claws”, in Feb. 2015. His first tour since 2008, the spring tour will promote “Vestiges & Claws” in 30 cities scattered around the world. After Madrid, Gonzalez will then head up to Europe, where he will visit United Kingdom and Germany among other countries, before flying over to the United States of America. He will arrive in Washington DC in April 2015, for the first time in six years. By the end of April, Gonzalez will have played on three continents, and in 37 concerts.
Gonzalez’s new song does not fail to impress, and listeners will be looking forward to enjoy the full album, “Vestiges & Claws”, coming out on Feb. 17, 2015.