The Beat Blog: Hate exercise? Try ‘Spotify Running.’
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Spotify’s new running feature tracks the user’s tempo and selects tracks to match.
April 10, 2016
Hey Beat Bloggers (turned Joggers?),
It’s official, spring is upon us once again. What does this mean? For many of us, it’s time to start working off the little extra we put on during the colder months and start looking forward to days by the pool. For me at least, this is a feat easier said than done.
Yet, as always, Spotify to the rescue.
Spotify has released a new customizable feature for it’s workout playlists, just for new runners like myself who are finding their pace and trying to train up for the summer months. The feature actually tracks your pace, and selects songs with similar beats per minute (bpm) counts. Choose from any of the genres of “running music” you like, and the feature will shuffle through that playlist just to find music that suits your workout.
How to find this magical feature:
1. On Spotify mobile, swipe to the right to reveal a left sidebar, with browse and search options:
2. Go to browse, then “genres and moods”
3. Next, choose “Running,” and pick your mood for the workout:
4. Once on the playlist, you have the option to track with the external app “Run Keeper,” and store your progress.
5. Start running and the tracker will find your tempo:
Happy running!