Did homecoming hit home?

At the dance, students pose in front of the balloon arch for homecoming pictures.

Sabria Kazmi, Team Leader

Anticipation of homecoming started almost a month ago when asking week began on September 26th. After two weeks of watching askings, students had a week of pep rallies, spirit days, and competitions between classes during the week of Homecoming. This past Saturday night homecoming was finally completed with the dance which took place in Gym I.

While the dance went on from eight to eleven, most students did not stay for the entirety of it. My homecoming group spent a lot of time at dinner and taking photos before the dance. Some groups went to the start of the dance and then left to go to parties at people’s houses. Other groups skipped the dance altogether and went to other activities.

Although I wasn’t at the entire function, I really enjoyed homecoming. I have to say, I think the fun of it was less about the actual dancing and more about getting together with friends.

The dance seemed to be mostly filled with freshmen, with a small percent of upperclassmen attending. It was nice to see the freshmen enjoying themselves and being a part of the school, but as a sophomore I wish that more people from my class went.

Most of the cheering at the dance was a good way to get people excited and spirited, however I did not appreciate when students started chanting class cheers out on the dance floor. I’m all for spirit, but the homecoming dance is a place for students of all grades to come together after a week of competition between the classes. At the dance, I noticed many students actually leaving the dance floor because they were not a part of the grade that was chanting, and it ruined the feel of school unity in my opinion.

Despite this aspect of the dance, there were a lot of improvements from last year. At this dance, there was a lot of food and snacks for students, my favorite being the chocolate fountain. I know a lot of people enjoyed the snacks, and as a school known to love food, I think it was smart to invest in more food than last year. There was also a photo booth station that had props that could be used to take funny group photos. These things served as fun activities for people who wanted a break from dancing, or just did not want to dance at all.

The DJ was also really interactive with the students and kept encouraging everyone to get energized. I thought the music was pretty good overall, although there were some songs that it seemed a lot of people were not familiar with or did not feel like dancing to. For the most part though, the songs were fun to dance to, and I think the DJ this year was a good selection.

While I think there are some aspects of the dance that could be improved, I would definitely go to the dance again if it was as fun as it was this year. I encourage people who like to party with friends, whether they are good at dancing or not, to attend.