April Cruels Day
A car was completely covered in sticky notes as an April Fools prank, a common prank to pull on co-workers or employees. Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
April 6, 2017
I was told that we were going out to dinner in DC, and to get dressed. We got in the car started to drive, but it wasn’t the road that we usually take to go to DC. After about ten minutes we turned into a parking lot, and when we got out of the car, we were at my favorite Thai restaurant. I turned around to look at my parents with a puzzled look, and they shouted…April Fools! Although this turned out to be a nice prank for me, many others are not so fortunate on April Fools day.
Every year on April 1, Americans celebrate April Fools, a day for light hearted and practical jokes. However, as websites like YouTube and Vine become more popular, pranks have become more dangerous and unsafe, so people can receive more views on their videos.
A famous YouTuber by the name FouseyTube uploads a series of pranks, some of them extremely disrespectful or precarious. On March 15, he posted a video called “BARBERSHOP MURDER PRANK” which featured Fousey himself pretending to be a murderer and barging into a barbershop with a gun pretending to shoot the barber and his client. The video received 13 million views, showing that viewers like this type of content. Therefore, Fousey makes more videos, but his videos get more dangerous every time.
These high consequence pranks are not just performed for YouTube, but can be used as a way to take revenge on someone. In some ways, this makes the phrase “April Fools” an excuse for people to get away with risky and irresponsible pranks and “jokes”.
One origin of April Fool’s Day is from the Roman holiday, Hilaria, where neighbors play harmless pranks on one another. As suggested by the description, these pranks were originally intended to be jokes with no damage involved at all.
Our country has come to a point where harmful pranks have become entertainment, something to laugh at and enjoy. However, we need to understand the fine line of when practical jokes because devastating pranks. April Fools day is something to enjoy with family, friends, and neighbors. One day out of the year where we play tricks on each other to have fun, but not harm others.