NHS serves the community with “Cookies for Firemen”
April 4, 2018
The TJHSST National Honor Society hosted a service opportunity Wednesday, April 4, as members made thank-you cards and decorated cookies to deliver to the Annandale firehouse.
“We want to meet them to give them cookies and cards and personally show our appreciation for their service, because I think a lot of us don’t realize how much the fire department actually does for us,” said senior Louise Hicks. “They do everything from rescuing people from fire and water hazards to providing general life safety education around the community.”
Students gathered baked goods, icings, and toppings, meeting both blocks of eighth period to draw and color in greeting cards and later deliver their presents to the volunteer fire department. As they worked with decorations and pastries, some contemplated future such activities to serve the community.
“In the future, we want to do things like this again,” said senior Victoria Chuah. “Not just to give back to the community, but also to show our thanks for what we have already.”