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The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


Anuj Khemka

Anuj Khemka, Online Editor-in-Chief

How many fifth graders do you know that have published their own book? Probably not a lot. This is just one of many things that makes Anuj Khemka special. He wrote his own book called “The Warrior” when he was only 10 and published it on Amazon. His book follows a boy’s adventure during the Ice Age as he explores the world on his own. The world the boy lives in is a world with magic, similar to the magic in his favorite book series, Harry Potter.

Of all the amazing wizards in Harry Potter, Khemka’s favorite character is an unpopular choice: Voldemort.

“He’s evil in a way that makes you laugh at him,” Khemka said. “[He’s] not my favorite character because I like him as a person, but like I think in the book and the movies he’s funny in a way that his stupidity prevents him from gaining all the power that he could have so that’s what makes him my favorite. ”

Khemka’s love for reading and writing led him to take journalism this year. He is currently a staff writer for tjTODAY, and plans to continue to be a part of the team throughout his time in high school.

Only a freshman, Khemka is still unsure of what he wants to study in college or pursue as a career. He knows that he loves writing and his favorite subjects are History and Geography, and he will see where that takes him in the future.

All content by Anuj Khemka

[Photo] Robert Stotz

January 13, 2021
Kesso Doramodou

[Photo] Committee Q&A

November 8, 2021
Jumping up, senior Mark Hamilton celebrates with his teammates

Making of the mark

Anuj Khemka, Team Leader
June 23, 2020
Designed by Anuj Khemka

The machine

Anuj Khemka, Team Leader
April 5, 2020
Locks secure many of the cubbies at Jefferson, including this one in the audlob.

[Photo] To lock or not to lock?

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December 16, 2019
Reading from sheet music, sophomore Micaela Wells vocalizes with other members of Jefferson's Madrigals group

[Photo] Mad about music

Rhea Goswami, Staff Writer
December 18, 2019
Sophomore Shan Lateef poses in front of his board at this year's Jefferson Science Fair

Treating Trauma

Anuj Khemka, Staff Writer
February 23, 2019
After an excess of hate comments against Indian culture, Kjellberg posted a video urging his followers to donate to an Indian-based nonprofit with the above thumbnail

More than just a joke

Anuj Khemka, Staff Writer
February 17, 2019
Yukta Chidanandan first found about that she had ADHD sophomore year. Since then, accommodations have helped her overcome the barriers of a learning condition.

In All Fairness

Anuj Khemka, Staff Writer
December 20, 2018
Kazmi by Khemka

[Photo] Sabria Kazmi

February 6, 2016
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