TJTV News, Episode 102: Feb. 10th

February 10, 2020
Here is some more information about this week’s announcements:
The Russian program is offering a chance to go to Russia over spring break. No prior Russian knowledge is required. Please contact Mrs. Sandstrom in room 60 for more information.
2021 class council is hosting its annual Valentine’s Day Grams Fundraiser. This year, roses, notes, and a potential chocolate treat will be on sale. The first rose will cost $3 while each additional will cost $2. Pre-orders will be sold during lunch in Nobel Commons this entire week.
The College Partnership Program assists high school students who are traditionally underrepresented in higher education by providing students with monthly sessions and workshops. The program is especially useful to those who would be the first generation in their family to attend college in the U.S., students with a lower socio-economic status, and minorities. Apply at by March 18th. Come to the first interest meeting today during JLC in the Writing Center, or Rooms 214 and 215. There will be food.
Join the TJ Jazz Band and the Swing Dance Team is hosting their 2nd annual Swingin’ Valentine’s Dance this Friday, February 14th from 7 to 9 P.M. in Gym 2 to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Admission is completely free though donations are welcome. The event includes two hours of live music, appetizers and desserts, exquisite photography, and dancing. The Swing Dance Team will be holding swing dancing lessons in Gym 2 at 7 P.M.
Red Cross Youth Task Force is having a blood drive this Friday, February 14th in Gym 2 between 8:40 AM and 1:30 PM. You can make an appointment online at You must be at least 16 years old, and those under 18 will need to have a signed parent consent form. Both students and teachers are welcome to donate.