Fairfax County Public Schools releases preliminary reopening recommendations
Screenshot taken from school board meeting YouTube video
Fairfax County Public School Boards had a virtual meeting over BlackBoard Collaborate to discuss school reopening plans.
June 16, 2020
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) released preliminary findings and recommendations for the 2020-21 school year based on the Virginia Governor and the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) guidelines on Monday, June 15. The following three proposed ideas are by no means final; they are three scenarios that they may have to invoke during different times throughout the school year rather than definite scenarios to choose from. They hope to finalize decisions by June 26.
Scenario one envisions a curriculum completely via distance learning, where students would not be allowed in the building at all; staff, however, would be permitted to do so for instructional purposes.
The second scenario includes reopening with health and social distancing protocols. School would commence at partial capacity, possibly implementing alternative bell schedules. Fridays would be preserved as in-person support days in accordance with plans to prioritize in-school learning for high-needs students.
Online learning by need, the third scenario, would allow students to opt into online learning; students who do so would likely be those more susceptible to COVID-19.
The next meeting will be held on June 23. FCPS emphasizes their priority in reopening is keeping students and staff safe.