Freshmen host RS1 review session
A study session hosted by freshmen provided students the opportunity to review RS1 with their peers. “It was nice to be [in this review session]; it was easier to learn,” freshman Esha Jain said.
January 13, 2021
Freshmen hosted a Research Statistics 1 (RS1) study session on Jan. 11 in preparation for the upcoming semester final.
“The main purpose of the study session was to help everyone with RS1, because I’ve noticed that [it’s] a difficult class, especially in this online format where we don’t have as much access to talk with teachers or peers,” freshman Zumi Riekse, one of the five students who organized the online session, said.
Riekse has studied alone before, and wants to change that for other students.
“It’s difficult to find ways to study on your own, because you lose motivation halfway through. [Hosting the session] helped me study too. In order to help other people, I needed to know the material,” Riekse said.
Riekse’s experience successfully hosting an Algebra study session in November inspired her to propose this RS1 review session.
“I had already done the Algebra review session, which helped quite a few people. This made me decide to do a [review] session for the final also,” Riekse said.
To advertise the event, Riekse utilized social media.
“We told everyone in the messenger chats and discord. This time we also released it on [a] Facebook [post], which attracted a lot more people,” Riekse said.
The team gathered students’ opinions through a Google form, asking them what activities would best fit their needs.
“The majority of people wanted overall review, and practice problems, so we incorporated that. We released practice problems earlier, so they could ask questions in the review session. We planned a Kahoot, which was fun and competitive,” Riekse said.
Esha Jain, a freshman currently taking RS1, found the review session helpful.
“The slideshows were descriptive, and easy for people to understand. They gave us all the links to the slides, so I can view them after the session,” Jain said.
The event didn’t flow without a few bumps in the schedule.
“We didn’t really follow [the agenda], because some people went over [time]. We went over Unit 5 fourth, because one person didn’t have their Unit 4 [slideshow] done on time,” Jain said.
But ultimately, the online study session allowed students to engage in learning with their peers.
“When you’re studying on your own there’s less distractions, but you can lose motivation very quickly,” Jain said. “It was nice to be [in this review session] because people are asking questions that I wouldn’t have thought of.”