Jefferson Mental Health Coalition creates podcast

“Taking Control of Your Time”, a new podcast created by the Jefferson Mental Health Coalition (MHC), can now be found on SoundCloud or Spotify. The podcast aims to help listeners with their time management skills and develop healthy habits. “Time management is important because it helps with balancing everything that’s going on in your life, which is especially useful for TJ students, since we have such a demanding course load. It also helps alleviate stress since you’re more in control of what you accomplish and can finish tasks quicker,” freshman Laura Zhang said.
February 17, 2021
The Jefferson Mental Health Student Coalition recently published a new podcast alongside TJTV named “Taking Control of your Time”. The podcast’s first episode, “The Procrastination Rabbit Hole”, dives deeper into procrastination and methods to prevent procrastination.
Freshman Laura Zhang created the podcast to assist Jefferson students manage their time during this unprecedented year both in and out of school.
“I think many students at TJ, myself included, are struggling to manage time. Because of the pandemic, there is less motivation and we’re getting distracted a lot. I hope this podcast will give [students] the tools to overcome this,” Zhang said.
Mental health is a topic that everyone should take seriously. However, at Jefferson, students tend to deal with mental health issues frequently and therefore require more assistance.
“A lot of people deal with mental health issues, especially at TJ because it’s such a competitive environment. I hope my time management podcast will help people become less overwhelmed with stress and learn to deal with it in a positive way,” Zhang said.
Because Zhang attends Jefferson, she can understand what her fellow students are going through as well. She anticipates other students can benefit from her ideas too.
“Because [the podcast] is about my experiences, what works for me might work for other people going through the same thing as I am, other online resources are not catered towards TJ students specifically,” Zhang said. “I hope other peoples experiences are similar to mine so that my podcast can benefit other students the most.”
With more episodes planned to be produced, Zhang doesn’t expect Jefferson students to be the only people that can take away lessons from her podcasts.
“Even though TJ is a stressful environment, the real world is stressful too. Even though my podcast is catered towards a TJ audience, I feel like TJ teachers and other students could learn from it, as well as parents being able to know what their child is going through,” Zhang said.