A summer full of learning
Summer school will benefit students’ mental health and academic capability.
The summer classroom is a key space to test out improvements for in-person learning while not obstructing the regular school year. As an optional choice, the students who need help will be able to see their teachers more and work to develop academic weak points.
February 19, 2021
Governor Northam and the Virginia Department of Education have pushed forward with a plan to recommend summer schooling. The goals of this plan are to catch up on the past school year to be ready for the fall, provide a beneficial environment for students with social and mental health issues, and practice implementing safe COVID-19 measures.
Initially, I was extremely opposed to the possibility of summer schooling because I thought the fun in these summer months would be taken away. Longer days of school can mean less motivation to earn good grades and create more anxiety to perform well in a pressurized environment, leading to more mental health issues rather than less.
Although all these grievances are legitimate concerns, it is important to note that summer schooling is merely an option and not mandatory for any student. For this reason, the students that need extra help or want to get back in the routine of in-person learning can do so. Additionally, staff can gain experience in implementing the restrictions necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Students will be prepared for in-person learning in the fall because it will improve their mental health and allow them to catch up on academic materials they missed due to online learning.
As the saying goes, “you miss all the shots you don’t take”. By refuting this plan, we will not be able to attempt returning to in person school and students will not be able to attempt to supplement their learning in a safe, summer environment. For our students and staff, we have to take the best course of action in these times and for tough times to come.
Regardless, we “learn more from failure than success”. The possibility of failure can let us improve on our mistakes for the upcoming fall school year by implementing these ideas in the summer. Through the summer classroom, students will be ready to take on the fall school year by collaborating directly with teachers to refine their academic performance, and seeing other students and staff in school will lower their stress.