FCPS begins live streaming sports events
FCPS live streams sports events through NFHS network this year. They have installed cameras in the gym and stadium press box at Jefferson. “FCPS pays for the installation of the streaming equipment and a year’s worth of access for all games that occur at FCPS sites. We provide the NFHS Network a copy of our game schedules, and they “publish” the event for streaming,” Assistant Director of Student Activities David Gardziel said.
March 7, 2021
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is live streaming all high school sports events for free from Feb. 24 on. The National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) will assist with this.
Parents and friends can create an account on the NFHS network to watch the live streams free of charge. For the winter season, Jefferson live streamed the sports events through Facebook. Cooperating with NFHS Network may be more convenient.
“Cameras are set up in the main gym. Events like basketball, volleyball and wrestling are streamed. Stadium Field- events like football, field hockey, soccer, lacrosse and track are automatically streamed,” Director of Student Activities Rusty Hodges said.
The live streaming will only apply to events scheduled in Fairfax County.
“The only catch is that streaming through the NFHS network only applies to home schools sites. Any use of facilities outside of schools like the Park Authority cannot be live-streamed unless another social media option is used,” Hodges said.
One of the main benefits of the live streams is the reduced amount of in-person spectators, making the events safer for everyone.
“The live stream events make it safer for all involved simply by having less people in attendance at the venue,” Assistant Director of Student Activities David Gardziel said. “Right now for indoor activities we are only allowed to have a maximum of 25 fans in attendance. For outdoor games at our stadium field we are able to have a maximum of 250 fans in attendance.”
Students and administrators alike expressed that they find the streams helpful in keeping them safer.
“Live streaming definitely helps to make things a lot more safer. Less people at the meet means less transmissions and significantly reduces chances of COVID-19, which is really nice,” sophomore Vivian Gao said.
In addition to minimizing safety risks during the pandemic, the live streaming will be helpful for students from other counties.
“I think the live streaming will be beneficial, as parents and friends don’t have to travel to meets like they normally would,” Gao said. “This is especially true for TJ because we live in many different counties.”