Full day JLC

Mondays should be changed into full-day JLCs to better student mental health and make more use of school hours.
April 25, 2022
Every Monday students and teachers go through a schedule consisting of 40-minute blocks, with advisory, lunch, and JLC. However, this tight schedule doesn’t allow for a lot of learning to take place and is generally used as workdays. If the administration changed the schedule to a full-day JLC, workdays would be more effective.
According to a few teachers, some students believe that anchor days are a good way to ease back into school, touch base with them, and get help if needed. When the idea of JLC is brought up there are a few main concerns that arise. The first is that it would result in less learning taking place. One part of this is that the school wouldn’t satisfy their requirement of having 990 hours of in-person learning. Another concern is if students were on their own, they wouldn’t work. The third is a security concern and how kids would be accounted for.
Anchor days are not a great way to ease back into school, as students have to switch classes every 40 minutes. However, in response to concerns about safety, students would sign up to stay at a place on Ion such as a certain teacher’s classroom or common’s twice, once in the morning and once in the evening. Finally, students would continue to get their 990 hours of learning in person, therefore it meets the countywide requirement.
A full day JLC would be efficient since students would have more time to work on their passions and hobbies, with less time being spent on school work. In addition, if students would have less work at home and this would allow for more sleep. These two benefits of a full day JLC would drastically improve mental health for students as a whole. Implementing JLC would help students work on time management, organization, and would accomplish more throughout the day. A full-day JLC is an innovative idea that could allow students at TJ to achieve more than they are currently.