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Gracie Abrams ‘Close to You’ hits the perfect summer note

Photo credit: Gracie Abrams Updates on Instagram

Gracie Abrams’ newest single, “Close To You,” was released on June 7, seven years after its initial tease on Instagram. However, the song had been trending long before the official release and amassed almost 10 million streams on Spotify within just five days of its release. It’s the perfect example of a carefully crafted song, with all the right marketing techniques that contributed to its success.

“Close To You” is nothing close to a surprise. Abrams has consistently teased the song, reviving its popularity during an acoustic session in Toronto. “Close To You” was released exclusively on vinyl alongside the album’s lead single, “Risk,” on May 31, 2024. Abrams wrote on Instagram that “Close to You” was not intended to be on the record, but she included it due to her fans’ demand. Indeed, fans of Abrams had settled with a 30-second snippet on SoundCloud that even found itself trending on TikTok prior to the song’s official release on streaming platforms. 

Speaking of TikTok, “Close To You” has all the elements of a hit trending song. With a pop synth backing and just the right amount of vocals, Abrams’ recent releases, including “Risk” and now “Close to You,” have taken a more upbeat direction, leaning into the true pop style that has been doing so well recently. Listeners have drawn parallels to Sabrina Carpenter’s newly released song “Espresso” as well as “Greedy” by Tate McRae.

In the fast, pulsing chorus of the song, Abrams sings, “Pull the trigger on the gun / I gave you when we met / I wanna be close to you.” While the lyrics describe a love so deep that she is willing to give up everything just to be with him, it’s not the lyrics that draw listeners to the song. Instead, it’s the vibe of a true pop song, one that makes you bop your head to the beat at the minimum.

The timing of the release is also strategic, as “Close To You” was released around the start of summer, and social media platforms have been quick to designate it as what could potentially be the song of the summer. The official music video for “Close To You” features two girls partying in a room and purely having fun, the amateur-like editing and effects reminiscent of videos created with friends on a summer night in. By accompanying the track with such a video, Abrams adds to the spontaneity and unserious mood of the song.

Overall, “Close to You” is a perfect addition to summer playlists, capturing the carefree and joyful essence of the season. Gracie Abrams has once again proven her ability to connect with fans and create music that resonates deeply, ensuring that “Close to You” will be on repeat for many as they enjoy the sunny days ahead.


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