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A comparison between board games and video games
Niha Alasapuri
Players around the world enjoy both board games and video games.

In a world ruled by digital screens and virtual realities, there is an element of simple enjoyment in playing board games. Where video games may dazzle with their flashing colors and epic storylines, the simple pleasure of rolling dice, shuffling cards, and moving pieces across a board can’t be beat. It is in this continuing fight between unplugged and plugged-in entertainment that board games reign supreme.

Now, picture an environment with friends or family, sitting around a table and playing a board game. With each roll of the dice and calculated play, the room is filled with laughter and friendly trash talk. It’s these moments of shared happiness and bonding that bring board games past virtual enjoyment.

Video games may offer the thrill of entering a digital world and taking on the character of some fantasy world, but they often lack the personal touch that comes with human interaction. Even in multiplayer modes, your interaction is rather far and few between—limited to chat boxes or voice calls. Board games, on the other hand, encourage bonding in real life.

One could argue that video games allow players to experience worlds that the mind cannot begin to imagine, such as the ability to play as different fictional characters. However, board games also enable the capacity for imagination. Unlike video games with pre-set scenarios, board games encourage players to think creatively and find new solutions. Whether it’s skillfully developing tactics to overcome your opponents in chess or coming up with a creative story to outplay your opponents in Catan, board games are filled with opportunities for imaginations to bloom.

There is something special about board games beyond the laughter and personal connections—the ability to bridge generational gaps. In today’s technocentric world, board games are a simple but effective equalizer. Whether it’s Monopoly or Scrabble, these timeless classics bring people of different generations together on neutral ground. Here, there is no tech advantage or disadvantage, and nobody is in a better position than the other.

Board games also cannot be matched for their offline availability. They do not need electricity, internet, or specialized hardware to be played, so they can be enjoyed in a variety of different environments and situations. Be it a power cut, camping, or a flight, board games offer entertainment without the need for screens or technology.

Video games undoubtedly have their appeal, but there is something special about the unplugged experience of playing board games. It’s not about winning or losing but about the connections one makes through shared experiences. In a digital age where screens mostly isolate us, board games remind people of the joy in simple pleasures. Ultimately, board games provide a distinctive way of entertainment that forms firm connections, making the unplugged experience a better alternative to the plugged-in one.

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