The Thomas Jefferson Model United Nations Club (TJMUN) hosted its annual conference, TechMUN, from March 1-2. The conference attracted over 700 high school and middle school students from Richmond to Baltimore for a weekend of debate and resolution-writing.
Jefferson students chaired and staffed 18 different committees, including three middle school committees and six “crisis” committees. The committees ranged from General Assembly committees such as the United Nations Environmental Programme and the World Health Organization, to specialized agencies like the European Central Bank and the United Nations Security Council.
“I think the conference was enjoyable for delegates, sponsors and staffers alike,” sophomore Sreya Atluri said. “There were various types of committees that were very interesting.”
The TJMUN Officer Corps and Secretariat started planning for the event in December.
The Secretary-General’s Award for Best Large Delegation was awarded to Langley High School, while the Secretary-General’s Award for Best Small Delegation went to Maggie Walker Governor’s School. The Secretary-General’s Award for Best Middle School went to Longfellow Middle School.
The next and last conference TJMUN will participate in this year will be the Osbourn Park Model United Nations Conference on April 5-6.
“Even with the hectic and busy schedules, TechMUN proved to be a success with the hard work and preparation put in by the officers and the Secretariat,” Atluri said.