Juniors win Musical Extravaganza

Theo Richardson and Kira Becker star as Tommy Jefferson and his leading lady in junior Mex.

Lindsay Williams

The junior class won the Musical Extravaganza (MEX) competition on Friday during the Homecoming pep rally. The winners were announced during half time of the football game, with the sophomores coming in a close second, the seniors pulling third, and the freshmen getting last.

The juniors surprised everyone with an amazing B Block performance after a dismal one during A Block.

“I think MEX really brought our class together. When we saw our issues in the A block performance we focused on improving immensely for B Block,” junior class president Anant Das said. “I think it’s awesome how the entire school started cheering as the story line progressed and Tommy Jefferson rescued Annie from Mr. Wakefield. It really showed that at the end of the day, we are all Colonials.”

The freshmen, although they placed last, put in a good effort with a thriller themed Mex. The sophomores also put on a good show, using glowing gloves to represent their class theme, “Light ‘Em Up.”

“We were obviously shooting for first, so we are slightly disappointed, but what really matters is that we feel that we did the best we could and that the show we put on was enjoyed by the entire school,” sophomore Sara Warrington said.

The seniors, placing third, were disappointed after experiencing technical difficulties that interrupted their judged performance. They were able to perform their Mex again during B Block, but that performance was unfortunately judged only on the interrupted version.

“The first pep rally’s performance was everything we hoped it would be, and knowing we pulled it off so well at least once really helped us get over what happened the second time around,” senior and SGA president Joey Valery said. “There was definitely some initial disappointment when the results were announced, but I think everyone understands why the judges did what they did- we’re all grateful for the restart they let us perform, just so we could end our last pep rally on a high note.”