SciTalk explores the science of today
Officers at SciTalk encourage students to participate in a debate on pressing science-related issues.
October 28, 2013
From hacking pacemakers to designer babies and eugenics, SciTalk, one of Jefferson’s newest eighth period clubs, brushed over several topics relevant to science in the real world during the eighth period interest meeting on Oct. 23.
The club plans to explore current events in science through debates, rap battles, and other creative outlets every alternating Wednesday A-block. Unlike other science-related clubs at Jefferson, SciTalk plans on covering a broad range of topics instead of being geared towards one specific aspect of the subject.
“All the other societies and clubs are going to help you prepare for college and other post-high school practical applications,” junior Newton Nagirimadugu, the co-founder and co-president, said. “In a real world setting, it’s important to know how to talk and argue for your side, so that you can stand up for what you believe in.”
SciTalk encourages everyone to talk and express their opinions on pressing issues. One of the ways the officers encourage participation is through an incentive system, which is enacted every time a student makes an insightful comment while taking a stance on a topic.
“One of the things that makes SciTalk different from some other clubs is the willingness to participate,” senior Ravali Goda said. “Several people weren’t afraid to share their opinion during the interest meeting and I’m excited to see where this club goes.”