Jefferson Latin students attend annual convention

Jefferson students march into the spirit competition.

Tommy Lunn, Opinion Editor

This past weekend, over 80 Jefferson students made the annual trek to the Greater Richmond Convention Center for the Virginia Junior Classical League (VJCL) state convention.  The delegates marched into the convention center to a cadence, sporting spirit costumes, and getting ready to spend two days devoted to the classics.

The VJCL convention is held each November in order to foster the growth of Latin across the state of Virginia.  More than 2,000 students from across the state were in attendance, representing all sizes and locations of schools.

“Convention is an amazing chance to express your love for the classics, meet new people and experience new things,” Latin Honors Society ‘Rex Certaminis,” senior John Wilkes, said.  “The bonds formed throughout all the schools in Virginia are very dear to all attendees.”

At the convention, delegates have the option to engage in many classically themed activities.  Over the two days, there are three testing sessions, multiple “discamus” lecture sessions, creative and graphic arts and a talent show.

“One of my favorite parts is the tests, especially Roman Life and Mythology, which we don’t always focus on in class,” freshman Juliana Gruver said.

This year was no exception to Jefferson’s usual success.  In addition to many high scoring individual students, the school as a whole achieved first places in scrapbook, publication and roll call, a skit portraying the demographics of the school’s delegation.

“Convention is in many ways the culmination of work students have put into studying the classics. The opportunities to demonstrate your academic, artistic and creative prowess really grab the attention of TJ’s competitive student body,” Wilkes said.

Check out some photos taken at Convention. Photos by Sandy Cho.