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The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


Robert Stotz

Robert Stotz, Print Editor in Chief

Robert Grayson Stotz has been taking journalism at Jefferson since his online freshman year, serving his second consecutive year as Print Editor-in-Chief for tjTODAY. Favoring a science sided schedule through the Neurolab, he enjoys being able to cover similar topics though his journalistic writing. He hopes to continue writing, editing, and designing for the magazine in his last year at Jefferson, using his senior year elective slot on a class he enjoys rather than Multivar.

All content by Robert Stotz
Senior Aiden Cheong skates on the ice during a game against the Reston Raiders. “I don’t think about anything else; I just focus on the game and playing my best. I try not to let any distractions get to me,” Cheong said.

Action on the ice

Robert Stotz, Editor in Chief
March 11, 2024
Serving the ball at the annual Dig Pink volleyball game, senior Captain Zumi Rieske leads her team against Justice High School and helps shift the mindset. “Volleyball is a very mental game. A good mentality and being confident can be the difference between barely making the ball in, or barely out,” Rieske said. “You have to learn to lock in when you’re on the court.”

Serving Up Success

Robert Stotz, Print Editor
November 9, 2023
Starting at the beginning of the year, Fairfax County Public Schools changed the policy surrounding missing work, eliminating the 50 percent cushion for assignments that are not turned in.

No more free 50s

Robert Stotz, Print Editor
November 9, 2023
The design of the Jefferson bumper sticker has long been criticized, however its simplistic design embodies the appropriately embodies the Jefferson experience.

Empathy of a sticker

Robert Stotz, Print Editor in-Chief
July 30, 2023
Cover art for Jazz Emu’s most recent album, Digital Spool, released on September 1st. This is the artist’s fourth album, and works to challenge his methodology for songwriting since day one.

Digital Spool album review

Robert Stotz, Team Leader
September 2, 2022

[Photo] Chris Yoo

November 30, 2020
Shown in front of a crowd of people, senior Alice Ji stands with her acrylic self portrait, “When I start with a painting, I have one main subject that I want to be the focal point, and smaller things I want to draw with it. Paintings become a cluster of these two: Around the person, I like to have more fantastical elements,” Ji said. Several of her portraits focus on people due to the level of depth and detail she can invest into them, “As for what inspires me to create art, I paint people because I feel it's a lot easier to express emotion or tell stories when there is a person in it. For me, it's just the fundamental idea of making something that you love,” Ji said.

Faces places

Robert Stotz
January 31, 2022
Free lunches mixed with the return of students to in person learning produce a lunch line with wait times as long as 15 minutes. “It can get really bad at times. If you aren’t quick enough, you’ll be stuck behind easily 100 students,” sophomore Pishoy Elias said. 
Photo by Robert Stotz.

Lunches and seating: free, for now

Robert Stotz, Staff Writer
September 13, 2021
ElderCare volunteers help elders become more familiar with technology - from joining Zoom meetings to recognizing scams.

Shaking Up ElderCare

Robert Stotz, Staff Writer
May 14, 2021
Economics teacher Malhaz Jibladze selects movies to show in the club, the most recent comedy being Coming to America, by David Sheffield and Barry Blaustein. “I show them something that they haven’t seen. Many are classic movies that their parents would recognize, and I want to share that with them,” Jibladze said.

Enjoy the show

Robert Stotz, Staff Writer
March 1, 2021
Due to COVID-19, John Oliver hosted the entirety of season six of his late night show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, in a blank white void. This adjustment to his setup has only enhanced the powerful message the episodes have to offer, making it a successful COVID adaptation.

Top 10 of 2020: COVID Adaptations

Robert Stotz, Staff Writer
February 1, 2021
“Sprite Cranberry,” one of the first successful meme ads, set the precedent of appealing to Gen-Z through their humor. Its interesting art style and song catered to a younger audience while not making it apparent, leading to its popularity.

The art of advertising

Robert Stotz, Staff Writer
January 28, 2021
Out with the old, in with the blue

Out with the old, in with the blue

Robert Stotz, Staff Writer
January 13, 2021
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