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The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


The student news site of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


At the start of this school year, principal Dr. Ann Bonitatibus collected containers filled with slips of paper. Staff members wrote their beliefs and hopes relating to innovation at Jefferson. “Everybody [is] coming out of COVID with some energy again, and we want to start getting our neurons firing about what's new, what's exciting,” Dr. Bonitatibus said. “To me, innovation is next. Every week I'm planting seeds with their own ideas, not mine.”

Lightning in a bottle

Grace Sharma, Copy Editor
October 26, 2022
Top 15 of 2015: Innovations

Top 15 of 2015: Innovations

Katherine Du, Team Leader
January 3, 2016
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